Associate Professor of Political Science
Social Science
Hillyer Collegesekou@sports-quotes.com 860.768.4231 Hillyer Hall 113C
PhD in Political Science, The Ohio State University
MA in Political Science, The Ohio State University
BS in Public Administration, Eastern Michigan University
BS in Governmental Economics, Eastern Michigan University
Bilal Sekou is an associate professor of politics and government. He teaches American National Government, How to Change the World, and Urban Politics.
"I view teaching as not only an opportunity to impart knowledge, but also to learn," says Sekou. "Hillyer's students have diverse experiences and backgrounds, creating a wonderful learning experience for me also."
Sekou's research interests include:
- Civic engagement
- Racial and ethnic politics
- Radical political economy
"Boosting Latino and Black Political Participation: The Impact of Associational and Religious Resources." (2005) Politics and Policy. 33(3), 444-468.
"The Right to Vote: The Campaign to Restore the Voting Rights of Persons Convicted of a Felony and Sentenced to Probation in Connecticut" (2004). Democracy Works. (Available from Democracy Works, 44 Capitol Avenue, Suite 102, Hartford, CT 06106)
"The Campaign to Restore the Voting Rights of Persons Convicted of a Felony and Sentenced to Probation in Connecticut." American Behavioral Scientist. Forthcoming.